Newest Chapter at University of Tulsa

Five girls take on a new challenge of forming a chapter of Sigma Phi Lambda on their campus. They have felt "overwhelmed by the love and support from other chapters." Learn about our newest Phi Lamb chapter: The University of Tulsa from their president, Jillian Schlecht.

Sigma Phi Lambda is excited to welcome the newest chapter: The University of Tulsa!  Their president, Jillian Schlecht said their journey started in Fall of 2012.  Schlecht felt called to form the chapter “after having a bad experience with the typical Greek system” and “having a lot of late night talks with Jesus about what [her] purpose was on TU's campus.”  Phi Lamb is the first Christian sorority on TU’s campus.  

“Forming a chapter was interesting! There were a lot of long phone conversations, a lot of paperwork, but mostly, a lot of fun” Schlecht said.  “All of the charter members got to know each other so well through the process.”  There were 5 charter members who all took officer positions: Jillian Schlecht, president; Lauren Lewis, Vice President; Emily Putman, Chaplain; Emily Denison, Secretary; and Emily Taylor, Treasurer.

Schlecht said that the officer training retreat this summer in Cedar Hill, Texas was amazing!  “We were overwhelmed by the love and support from other chapters,” she said.  The officers reported feeling that they left that training with "adopted big’s" because of all of the love that the established chapters poured over them!

“I believe that, for our chapter, the sorority verse, Romans 15:5-6 has been transformational. We truly need to hear it, and I feel that we do our absolute best to take it to heart,” Schlecht said. “For me personally, John 15:16 has been a huge help. It was read over me when I was initiated, and it is a constant reminder to me that God chose me to do His work, and that is not all just t shirts, snacks, and chapter agendas.”

The five officers were joined by 10 pledges at their inaugural chapter on September 4, 2013.   The officers welcome any prayers from the Phi Lamb Alumnae but would cherish prayers for their first pledge class. Specifically that “each one of them would grow closer to Jesus through Phi Lamb,” and “that they can experience love and sisterhood.”

The Alumnae Association is looking forward to an exciting fall semester for the University of Tulsa chapter of Sigma Phi Lambda.  Please keep them in your prayers and feel free to send them encouragement via facebook at: