New Phi Lamb Chapters
Phi Lamb was such a meaningful and transformational part of my college experience, so it always brings me such joy to think about being able to offer that experience in new places. We are so thankful and excited that the Lord continues to bring us opportunities to start chapters on campuses across the nation. This year at our officer retreat in August, we will be initiating chapters from the University of Tampa and Auburn University, and we can't wait!
I had the pleasure of ending the spring semester with visits to train the founders at each of these schools. I loved meeting them and getting to see their hearts for the Lord and their excitement about starting Phi Lamb. I also loved the challenge of trying to communicate all that Phi Lamb is in such a short period of time. Ultimately we have to trust God to work in our new chapters and recognize that it's not really about us and the training anyway. He always does such amazing work through the vessel of Phi Lamb, and for this we are so thankful.
Here I am with my lovely Auburn girls in a dorm room where we camped out doing training. :) It was a wonderful few days with them!
This was at dinner with the University of Tampa officers and their all-star faculty advisor. It was part of a really great weekend with them!
And while I was in the southeast, I took the opportunity to visit a couple of our other chapters. Here I am at initiation at Ole Miss. I LOVED getting to be a part of such a special night with them.
I also got to have dinner and a final chapter of the year with the women from Vanderbilt. I loved getting to see them honor their seniors, appreciate those who had served this year, and affirm one another. It was another great night!
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