Phi Lamb Community
Better together. This is a common phrase my church uses on a regular basis to describe how God created us. He created us to be in relationship with one another, but why? God recently revealed this to me: God Himself is in relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit. He Himself is a relational being and because we are made in His image, then of course we are meant to be relational too. There are so many reasons why we think we’d be better off on our own. Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past and don’t want to risk being vulnerable again. Maybe you have no idea how to even begin cultivating meaningful relationships. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and the idea of trying to invest in community just seems like another item on your to-do list. Let me be the first to say this, your relationships are some of the most valuable assets you have and it’s worth trusting God to guide you into the relationships you need most.
There are two sides to being a part of a community. First is the investment. Investing in community means asking questions to get to know others on a deeper level. It could look like attending events together. Maybe it’s simply spending time together. Whatever it looks like, in order for true relationships to form, you have to invest yourself and your time. Being your authentic self allows people to love you for who you are.
The other side of community is that it should be a place where you are filled up. Your community should be a place where you can ask for help. And if you’re anything like me, asking for help can sometimes be hard and even when someone offers, I’m still tempted to say no and keep flying under the radar. But letting people help you isn’t only a blessing to you, it’s also a blessing to them. We belong to each other and are meant to take care of each other. So if you’re in a rough season, let your people take care of you.
There is an African proverb that says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Let’s go further than ever before with our sisters right by our side.
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