Sigma Phi Lambda Mission Statement
Over the past several weeks more than 300 women on college campuses across the country felt the pull of intentional community and decided to call Phi Lamb home. This year’s recruitment represents an investment in continuing the faith-based sisterhood that started 35 years ago. We are so thankful for how Phi Lamb’s history has shaped us and we are excitedly looking toward the future as we continue to expand our vision and make tangible the love of Jesus in the lives of women.
Phi Lamb is an organization that is rich with tradition and focuses on glorifying God through cultivating intentional community and encouraging its members to grow in their personal faith journey. Our newly adopted mission statement reflects just that. Phi Lamb exists to provide a faith-based sisterhood where women can become rooted in community and grow in their faith so that God may be glorified. These things have been the heartbeat of Phi Lamb since its inception and continue to be our core as we move into the coming years. Each of the components of our mission statement is significant.
Faith-based sisterhood. We derive our reason for existing from Christ. He is who we center ourselves around both individually and collectively. Phi Lamb is not only for the woman who is already deeply committed to Christ, it is also for women who are curious about who Jesus is and want to get to know him better.
Women. When the Board of Directors was workshopping this mission statement, we specifically decided not to include “college-aged women” and simply opted for the broader community of women. Yes, college-aged women are who we are currently serving, but a community of faith is not limited to them. We dream of extending our reach to local high schools near our chapters and serving the needs of our alumnae who are spread across the country. We desire to have a rich place where women of all ages can be served.
Rooted in community. We believe that we aren’t meant to do life alone and that we are better together. Our current members consistently say that faith-based community is the number one reason they join Phi Lamb. We all know that life is richer in the context of relationship and we want to intentionally cultivate the deeper community we were designed for.
Grow in their faith. Each person’s journey of faith is unique and one of the amazing things about Jesus is that he meets us right where we are. So if growing in faith looks like taking the first steps to follow him or if it means pressing more deeply into what he has faithfully called you to, Phi Lamb is a safe place for you to do just that.
So that God may be glorified. At the end of the day, this is what it’s all about. We want everything we do to point back to God. Anything we achieve is not for our own glory or our own sense of accomplishment, but for God alone.
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