Texas A&M Chapter Visit 2023
One of the things we feel strongly about in Phi Lamb is the value of regularly visiting our chapters to learn more about them and ensure we are meeting their needs. After COVID, we had to scale our visits back quite a bit. With the generosity of our donors, we are hopeful that we will be able to visit more chapters this year in order to help our chapters return to a healthy place post-pandemic. We aim to visit each chapter about every 3 years so a member who stays with us her whole college experience gets to meet her national representatives at least once. The first chapter we were able to visit this year was Texas A&M. Hannah, their Regional Director, and Christy, Executive Director of Chapter Operations, were able to meet with the current officers, a few members, and attend chapter meeting. Here’s what Hannah wanted to share about their visit:
One of my favorite things about continuing to serve Phi Lamb after college is getting to see different chapters do their regular meetings. Phi Lamb is foundationally the same at all of our chapters which allows me to feel at home in each chapter meeting. At Texas A&M Christy and I were delighted to participate in worship and prayer with and for the members of the chapter. They asked me to give the devo that night which is not something I’ve done since college! We talked about the practice of daily surrender to God - the idea of bringing the hard things to Him instead of holding all that heaviness and trying to bear that burden alone. After that discussion, Christy and I sat and answered the members’ questions. We started out with some fun questions like “what’s your Starbucks order” or “what’s your favorite thing about motherhood” in an activity called “hot seat” that they started at Recruitment this semester. Then we moved into a time where they could ask us anything they wanted to know about Phi Lamb in an effort to hear our hearts as the women leading their chapter. We were so thankful for the kindness and sincerity of all the members and the great conversations their questions spurred. At the end of the night, the leaders of the chapter circled around us to pray for us and the future of Phi Lamb. It was one of the sweetest moments I have experienced in the 12 years since I first joined Phi Lamb. I am so thankful that God met us on this visit, that we begged and searched for His guidance and He so faithfully provided it. We are excited to see where this chapter is headed because we know these women will do great things for God and their friends!
If you are interested in investing in our college leaders, you can do so by making a donation here. Our main focus with donated funds is to be able to host in person leadership training for all elected officers in 2024, and to be able to continue visiting chapters.
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