Tobi's Tour de Arkansas
I had the privilege of visiting all three of our current Phi Lamb chapters in Arkansas and spending time with officers and members. The trip was fast-paced and busy, but I loved every minute of my time there. I even got to visit two additional campuses in Arkansas who would like to start Phi Lamb chapters this year.
The first campus visit was at the University of Arkansas. I got to have dinner with the officers on Sunday night and then spent the day with them on Monday. The highlight was being able to participate in their chapter meeting that night.
Then I traveled to Southern Arkansas University where I had dinner with the officers and got to be a part their induction ceremony with their new pledges. It was wonderful to be a part of the same tradition in which I participated when I joined Phi Lamb many years ago.
Last stop on the Tour de Arkansas was at the University of Central Arkansas where I was able to have dinner with the officers, tour the campus with them, and then go cheer on the Phi Lamb flag football team. The whole trip was a wonderful opportunity to meet lots of lambs and see how God is using the vessel of Phi Lamb to draw women to Himself on campuses all over Arkansas! What a blessing these chapters are!
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